Total Medals Earned: 451 (From 65 different games.) Total Medal Score: 5,820 Points
Medals Earned: 6/27 (40/500 points)
Throw your first bomb
Watch the credits until the end
Kill your first enemy
Complete Chapter 1 on Normal difficulty
Complete Chapter 2 on Insane difficulty
Complete Chapter 1 on Insane difficulty
Complete Chapter 2 on Hard difficulty
Complete Chapter 1 on Hard difficulty
Complete Chapter 2 without shooting
Complete Chapter 3 on Insane difficulty
Acquire 9 lives
Complete Chapter 3 on Hard difficulty
Earn 1 million points
Complete Chapter 2 on Normal difficulty
Complete Chapter 1 without shooting
Complete Chapter 3 on Normal difficulty
Watch all 6 cutscenes without skipping
Beat the game on Normal difficulty
Complete Chapter 5 on Insane difficulty
Complete Chapter 4 on Insane difficulty
Complete Chapter 5 on Hard difficulty
Complete Chapter 4 on Hard difficulty
Complete Chapter 4 on Normal difficulty
Complete Chapter 5 on Normal difficulty
Complete Chapter 3 without shooting
Beat the game on Hard difficulty
Beat the game on Insane difficulty
Medals Earned: 2/4 (30/130 points)
Kill the first boss.
Defeat the first 5 bosses.
Defeat all 10 bosses.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 5/5 (190/190 points)
Fall into a bottomless pit
Unlock a door
Discover your origins
Get to know yourself better
Complete the game
Medals Earned: 16/20 (265/490 points)
Don't get hit for 30 seconds.
Acquire a score of 100,000 or greater.
Defeat the largest Peon.
Reach level 10
Defeat the largest Grunt.
Defeat the largest Miner.
Defeat the largest Splitter.
Defeat the largest Waver.
Don't spend any skill points and reach level 10 or greater.
Accurately land 50 shots without a single miss.
Destroy 50 mines in a single game.
Defeat the largest Fume.
Defeat the largest Seeker.
Defeat the largest Shield.
Defeat the largest Vessel.
Defeat 1000 enemies in a single game.
Reach a kill chain of 1000
Completely fill your bestiary by defeating 20 of each enemy in the game.
Acquire all Trophies.
100% the game (Acquire a gold star on the main menu for both Trophy and the Bestiary buttons)
Medals Earned: 1/19 (5/500 points)
Clear Pixelo tutorials
Construct something with pixel.
Find something to buy!
Clear calendar puzzle. You can enjoy daily puzzle from now!
Find Jumper puzzle. Then, you can jump!
Clear last Easy puzzle
Find Pallet, then you can change your color!
LV 10 you are Pixelor!
Clear runner puzzle. you can run from now.
Clear all easy Puzzles
Eat 5 food
Clear last Normal puzzle
Collect 12 junks
Save 11 animals
Drink 4 alcohol and beverage
Capture 11 monster and ghost
Clear All Normal Puzzle
Clear all hard Puzzle
Medals Earned: 24/24 (180/180 points)
Unlocked the Bear character
Unlocked the Chicken character
Unlocked the Cloaked man character
Unlocked the Dinosaur character
Unlocked the Fancyman character
Unlocked the Hazmat character
Unlocked the Knight character
Unlocked the Ninja character
Unlocked the Pirate character
Unlocked the Pumpkinman character
Unlocked the Purple fancyman character
Unlocked the Rabbit character
Unlocked the Robot character
Unlocked the Santa character
Unlocked the Skeleton character
Unlocked the Soldier character
Unlocked the Streaker character
Unlocked the Yellowman character
Fall 100 Metres
Fall 600 metres
Fall 400 metres
Fall 800 metres
Fall 1000 metres
Fall 1200 metres
Medals Earned: 1/20 (5/500 points)
Start your adventure
Catch a Bidoof
Use Dexter to research a Pokemon
Reach Level 5
As Meowth, KO a Pokemon owned by Ash
Explore every area in the Campo Region
Catch a Pokemon from a pond
Deal 4x super effective damage to a wild Pokemon
Add Racecar the Girafarig to your team
Reach Level 10
Defeat Yanmega in Mantis Forest
Travel over 10,000 metres
Defeat Qwilfish in Periwinkle Pond
Defeat Cacturne in Midnight Graveyard
Catch a pseudo-legendary Pokemon
Defeat Stunky in Fandango Fields
Defeat Dugtrio in Cordovan Cave
KO 100 wild Pokemon
Beat the game
Medals Earned: 5/5 (60/60 points)
Get 50 points.
Get 100 points.
Get 150 points.
Medals Earned: 4/7 (70/205 points)
Find and reclaim the big graveyard
Kill 100 zombies
Win the game on any difficulty
Kill 100,000 zombies (cumulative)
Lose the game
Find all five endings (cumulative)
Win the game on Impossible difficulty
Medals Earned: 1/12 (10/440 points)
Get 1000 points on the Preloader game. YOU MONSTER
Share this game! Your REAL friends will weep for you.
Pass Lady Gaga The Game without dying.
Complete Inception The Game in under 30 seconds.
Pass LOST THE GAME (haha) without dying.
Pass Rainbows The Game without dying.
Survive Earthquakes The Game for 30 seconds.
Finish one third of the levels.
Complete Youtube The Game in under 15 seconds.
Finish two thirds of the levels.
Unlock EVERYTHING. Now, you can play the game as your OWN character. SUCCESS.
Finish all the levels... Oh, but that's JUST the levels!